NP Thayatal, R.Mirau
Animal-, Nature-, & National Parks

Nationalpark Thayatal

Contact & Informations

2082 Hardegg
Merkersdorf 90

+43 2949 7005
+43 2949 70055 0


Pushchair Accessible Dogs Allowed Wheelchair Accessible Bistro / Restaurant E-Bike charging station E-car charging station Free entry with the NOE-card Children's program Public connection

Discover and Enjoy the Magic of the Thaya Valley near Hardegg!

The cross-border Thaya Valley/Podyjí National Park protects one of the most beautiful and biodiverse valley landscapes in Europe. Many endangered and rare animals as well as plant species have survived in what was once a no man’s land in the shadow of the iron curtain.

Black storks, emerald lizards, otters and the extremely shy wildcats have found a refuge here.

Botanical treasures such as the Turk’s-cap lily, variegated iris, dittany, soft-haired feather grass, soldier orchid and many more can be found here.

Steep rocks, colourful meadows, natural deciduous forests and the many river bends of the River Thaya feature prominently in the Thaya Valley National Park.

A cross-border network of hiking trails allows impressive nature observations and leads to the most beautiful vantage points in Austria and the Czech Republic.

The National Park House is popular among visitors, with its two wildcats Frieda and Carlo. In Austria’s largest wildcat enclosure, you can observe the wildcats as they feed. Children can crawl through a short tunnel into the enclosure, and through a viewing dome can come “eye-to-eye” with the wild cats.

The large adventure playground surrounding the National Park House is another one of our highlights.
In the “NaturGeschichten – Thaya Tales” Multimedia Exhibition, a huge aerial view invites you to experience the natural beauties of the National Park.

Discover and enjoy the magic of the Thaya Valley near Hardegg!

  • The highest level of biodiversity in Austria’s smallest National Park
  • Cross-border National Park
  • The unique Umlaufberg (mountain), almost entirely surrounded by the River Thaya
  • Austria’s largest wildcat enclosure, with Frieda & Carlo, at the National Park House
  • “NaturGeschichten – Thaya Tales” Exhibition in the National Park House
  • Hardegg, Austria’s smallest town, the castle ruins of Kaja Merkersdorf

For Children:

  • Adventure playground surrounding the National Park House
  • Guided tours and events for children and families as part of the 2017 Visitor Programme
  • Guided tours and project days for school classes (by appointment)
  • Nature Workshop in the National Park House (for school classes by appointment)

Special offers:

  • Special guided tours and events on specific topics as part of the 2017 Visitor Programme
  • Offers for groups (guided tour of the exhibition, film screening of “Insights into the Thaya Valley” in the National Park House, short guided tours and tour of Hardegg)
  • May to October: The film “Insights into the Thaya Valley” is shown on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (half-hourly during opening hours), and a short tour called “Wilderness Experience” through the “wild” National Park forest: 14:00
  • April – June: Wildcats feeding is on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 15:30
  • July – August: Daily
  • September – October: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
  • November – March: Only for group bookings!


Wildcat summer with wildcat night walk and night feeding:
Saturdays: 8 July, 22 July, 5 August, 7 August and 19 August
Children’s Special: Saturdays: 15 July, 29 July, 12 August and 2 September

(Precise information regarding starting times and registration for booking can be found on:

  • National Park House with exhibition, administration, Information Point, National Park Thayatal café/restaurant, shop, function rooms: the whole building is wheelchair accessible
  • Well signposted network of hiking trails
  • Thematic Trail at the National Park House
  • Follow the footsteps of the Hardegg night watchman – Thematic Trail in Hardegg (the accompanying booklet is available in the National Park House)
  • Austria’s largest wildcat enclosure with Frieda & Carlo
  • Wildcat hiking trail
  • Waldviertel Farmers Garden and Herb Garden
  • Adventure playground surrounding the National Park House with swings, climbing wall, slides, fox’s den, rope tunnel, a floating tree house and much more.
  • E-bike rental: Rental of e-bikes in cooperation with the Radreiser Company.
    Daily Rental: €19.00. Half Day (up to 5 hours): €12.00. Helmet Rental: €1.00 / day. There are currently three e-bikes and two bikes available.



21 March – 30 September. Daily: 09.00 – 18.00

1 October – 2 November. Daily: 10.00 – 17.00

Management reserves the right to make changes!


Exhibition Prices:

Adult: €4.50
Discount: €3.00
Child (U6): FREE
Guided Tour (10 people or more): €5.50, Discount: €3.50

Further discounts are available for families, groups and holders of the NÖ Card, NÖ and CZ Family Pass as well as the AKNÖ Card

Prices for Guided Tours:
Short Tour “Wildnis Schnuppern”: May – October. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 14:00
Adult: €3.50
Child (U14): FREE

Prices for screening of “Insights into the Thayatal”:
Adult: €2.50
Child (U14): FREE

Prices of Wildcat Feeding:
Adult: €3.00
Child (aged 6 – 14): €1.50

Prices for group tours on request.
Management reserves the right to make changes!

Events & Functions

Make sure to check out these top atractions in the area:

39.3 km